Business Law / Business Owner Advice Training

Aryza has designed and developed a unique training programme that recognises the uplift in the number of business owners seeking advice and information from debt management organisations.



The 22-webcast programme, delivered uniquely on our app, or downloaded and studied on a laptop or work computer, has been written and is constantly updated with debt management advisors in mind.
Multiple-choice questions on main issues are included within relevant webcasts, as well as in ten multiple-choice tests as a key part of the programme.
There is a 50-question multiple-choice question test at the end of the study period to test knowledge and competence.

Principal Parts of the Training Programme
How to ask the key questions of sole proprietors, partners or directors? The essential things to know about the set-up of the business and the issues and challenges that have been or may be met. How to put together a budget and understand the numbers emanating from the business. Vital issues surrounding potential liability, tax, property ownership, employee rights, contracts and possible insolvency.

The programme includes intrinsic information, presented in a highly dynamic and useful way about:

  • Business Law (principal differences between sole traders, partners, directors and their businesses)
  • Contract Law
  • Employment Law
  • Corporate Insolvency
  • Understanding Basic Business Accounts

Talk to us about developing a bespoke course that matches your specific business needs. 

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