Exam training, services and peerless products
For insolvency and restructuring professionals and their businesses
Insolvency Exam Training
Aryza offers training – uniquely via our app and with face-to-face lecture training – for all insolvency and restructuring qualifications.
Joint Insolvency Examination Board (JIEB)
With four fully-qualified insolvency exam trainers, Aryza Regulate offer peerless tuition and full support for the JIEB.
CPI/CPPI Exam Training
Certificate of Proficiency in Insolvency (CPI) Exam Training / Certificate of Proficiency in Personal Insolvency (CPPI) Exam Training.
Certificate in Insolvency (CII)
CII ICAEW Assessment Training & Certificate in Insolvency (CII) Exam Training
Introduction to Insolvency Qualification (ITIQ)
Whether you’re starting out, or just need a refresher on certain subjects, ITIQ is a must and can even be made part of your existing induction training.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
CPD: Always Compliant
Aryza offers affordable, highly flexible and totally up-to-date CPD that ensures you, your team and your business is always totally informed and completely compliant.
Only in this way can you be sure every member of the team has the latest information, is acting properly and all licences are safe.
Whether you are looking for a comprehensive, completely verifiable and reportable digital solution, or training delivered directly to your office (or on a discrete part of our app, unique to you), Aryza has the perfect option for you and your team.
Speak to a member of the team to find out more about Aryza training and compliance packages
Statute states that to become a licenced IP you need to pass one or both of the Joint Insolvency Examination Board’s exams (in either Corporate Insolvency and/or Personal Insolvency) and complete 600 hours of relevant work with an insolvency and restructuring company or equivalent.
In our more than 30 years’ experience preparing people for professional insolvency exams we have found the times people spend on our courses vary. Some are able to commit to a concentrated 15 hours of study a week and complete, say, the JIEB course, in five to six months. Others prefer to spend eight hours a week and spread this effort over nine or ten months.
For CPI we recommend a study period of five months, studying for around eight hours a week. Some can do this in just four months. With 17 modules to complete, with past questions and mock exams to attempt in 18 weeks this can be a strong challenge.
Our training programmes last as long as you need or want them to. Our fully qualified Learning Mentors will support a student and their particular requirements throughout the course of their chosen study programme.
We do recommend, however, that you enrol as soon as you make the decision to study for a particular qualification. The more time you give yourself the more we can achieve together.
We have a ‘Lifetime Pass Guarantee’ as a main accessory to all of our exam training courses.
Simply put, this means that if a student fails an exam for which they have studied (having enrolled with us on a full Study Support Programme) they will be entitled, at the next sitting (or the one after that, and at any time in the future), to have, free of charge:
1 Updated materials and full access to our app when studying for their retake
2 Access to the Passing the Exam course, should they choose to attend face-to-face lectures for their retake.
Certainly. The Lifetime Pass Guarantee is still in effect for students that have studied with NTI in the past and weren’t successful in their exams. Please click here and let us know your details and we’ll be in touch.
None at all. You can start CII, CPI (CPPI) and JIEB without any qualifications or specific experience.
Our training programmes are designed to work for experienced students as well as those with less experience. We have been at this for more than 33 years. Trust us, every student is different.
Absolutely. We have many students joining us from all over the world and the flexibility of studying via the app, with a Learning Mentor always available to help, has proven very successful for many.
You just decide.
You look at the time between now and the exam date and think: “I can DO this. I WANT to do this.” That decision, with the commitment to follow it up consistently throughout your study programme, is key.
Once you decide to start you get in touch with our team and enrol on the course. It is easy to do – there is an enrolment form online, or our incredibly friendly office team can help you to do all you need. We will take care of all of the admin from our side, leaving you free to study and maintain your commitment.
If you need any help or advice prior to making the commitment, get in touch. We will talk you through everything and help in any and every way.
Yes, we do allow this for individual students struggling to afford the entire course fee out of one month’s salary. We understand how important this is for you – and how expensive it can be.
Just ask us. We are really friendly!
This is a matter of personal commitment. It is simply not true that most students have weeks and weeks of study leave prior to sitting the exam. It is one of those annoying ‘urban myths’.
Most firms give some additional study leave time to revise on top of paying the course fee. For JIEB this is sometimes a week of study leave, occasionally two weeks, at the end of the course and before the exam.
We recommend that you take, in all, two to three weeks per JIEB paper you are studying for at the end of the course and before the exam to revise and sit full mock exams. This means you will need to book annual leave to support anything your employer gives you.
It is one of the ‘costs’ of studying towards the qualification. Make this part of your commitment to study and pass when you make the ‘go’ decision.
For CPI you will need five to ten working days to revise, sit full mock exams and practise numbers questions prior to the exam. Again, you should strongly consider booking annual leave to get the greatest benefit from this period.
For CII, as for CPI, we recommend you have ten working days to revise and sit our ICAEW-standard mock assessments prior to the date you have chosen to sit ‘the real thing’. As above, you will almost certainly need to dedicate some of your annual leave to this.
Our courses are completely different. Our approach is unique. Our success rate in the exam is beyond challenge.
Only we have an app on which you can access all teaching webcasts and map your progress against our interactive study planner. On there we also have tests and exercises programmed into the course at the perfect time.
We have monthly live webinars at which we will discuss and share key topics and exam questions, together with critical exam technique.
A Learning Mentor is appointed to you at the beginning of the course and will remain with you, shoulder-to-shoulder, throughout. Answering questions, listening to you, assessing mock scripts and exams and helping you to deal with the pressure if and when it appears before you as the course progresses.
Only we have an exceptional guide to study and life in ‘Pass Inspiration’ to assist you every step of the way.
Only we have a unique ‘Numbers’ Question Bank’ which gives all the guidance you need to attempt the inevitable numbers question or questions.
Only we provide you with CPD TAP on our app to update and inform you as you progress through the course.
Only we give you our Compendium, a glossary of every word, phrase, term and acronym in our sector.
Crucially, only we offer the option of inspirational and dynamic face-to-face lectures which can change the direction of your thinking, enable you to make ‘right-brain’ notes and summaries and give you the edge you need.
Both qualifications have their merits and both will be very good for your career and status within the profession.
Each of CPI and CII can be regarded as terrific studying opportunities and really fine qualifications to gain if you want to find out a lot about the breadth of processes and procedures within the sector. Each have a wide and challenging syllabus incorporating both corporate and personal insolvency.
The CPI, the exam of the Insolvency Practitioners Association, is the older and more established of the two qualifications. The big difference is in the number of sittings per year and the way the exam is structured.
The CPI has two sittings, one in June and the other in either November or December. The exam is remote and three hours long.
The CII has a great deal of prestige. It is the insolvency paper of the ICAEW, which is a first-class professional brand. You can sit their ‘assessment’ at any time, giving you tons of flexibility when deciding when to start your studies and when to sit the final exam.
The CPI is divided into multiple-choice questions (10 x one mark), short form questions (30 marks) and four written test questions (out of five) of 15 marks each. There is an argument that if you plan to progress from one of these two qualifications to the JIEB this is the choice for you, as you will get exam practice at written test questions and long numbers questions.
The CII is all multiple-choice and the questions are exacting, practical and challenging. It is the assessment you would expect from a fine organisation such as the ICAEW.
We give the same priority for both qualifications and have unique materials, webcasts and support for both. Ultimately it will be your decision.
Our courses are completely different. Our approach is unique. Our success rate in the exam is beyond challenge. Just last year our students achieved a whopping 86% pass rate throughout the year. That amounts to an amazing 71 passes in just one year, plus prizes, distinctions and merits.
Only we have an app on which you can access all teaching webcasts and map your progress against our interactive study planner. On there we also have tests and exercises programmed into the course at the perfect time.
We have monthly live webinars at which we will discuss and share key topics and exam questions, together with critical exam technique.
A Learning Mentor is appointed to you at the beginning of the course and will remain with you, shoulder-to-shoulder, throughout. Answering questions, listening to you, assessing mock scripts and exams and helping you to deal with the pressure if and when it appears before you as the course progresses.
Only we have an exceptional guide to study and life in ‘Pass Inspiration’ to assist you every step of the way.
Only we have a unique ‘Numbers’ Question Bank’ which gives all the guidance you need to attempt the inevitable numbers question or questions.
Only we give you our Compendium, a glossary of every word, phrase, term and acronym in our sector.
Crucially, only we offer the option of inspirational and dynamic face-to-face lectures which can change the direction of your thinking, enable you to make ‘right-brain’ notes and summaries and give you the edge you need.
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