Celebrating Self-Care Day: Insights and Tips from the Aryza Team 

At Aryza, we believe that self-care isn’t just a one-time event, but a regular commitment to nurturing your mind and body. In honor of Self-Care Day, we’re taking a moment to celebrate the importance of setting aside time for activities that recharge our batteries and maintain our overall well-being. Whether it’s social, mental, physical, or spiritual, self-care looks different for everyone, and that’s what makes it so special. 

To mark this occasion, we’ve collected some of our team’s top self-care tips and practices. From gardening to workouts, our team members share how they prioritise their health and happiness. 

Kelly Singleton, Chief People Officer  

“A consistent sleep routine is my secret weapon for staying balanced, so I make it a point to go to bed early on weeknights and rise early before work to get myself in a good headspace. My mornings always begin with 30 minutes of yoga, which both energises and relaxes me, setting a positive tone for the day ahead. Jogging and hiking are my mental reset buttons, and my dog is always by my side. Horse riding, though, is my ultimate happy place – there’s nothing like the joy and freedom I feel during my weekly rides.” 

Brent Reuter, General Manager, North America 

“Self-care for me is part of my daily routine. I suppose everyone has a different interpretation of what that means but for me, as I age, I put an increased emphasis on physical care.  Physical care is different for everyone, but my version takes three distinct forms. Cardiovascular fitness in the form of running or biking, stretching which is simply using a mat for 15 minutes to put myself in a variety of poses and third, resistance training. I try to get two of the three in daily, and once a week I will give myself a day off as a recovery day. It helps me manage stress, helps my mood and improves my energy.” 

Tom O’Connor, Head of Corporate Insolvency, Australia  

“I usually aim to hit the gym three to four times a week, and one of my favourite routines is a short run along the scenic Brisbane River, which provides a perfect backdrop for clearing my mind and boosting my energy levels. In addition to staying active, I enjoy working on various projects in my spare time. Right now, I’m working on restoring a large, intricate antique wooden birdcage. These types of projects not only challenge my creativity but also gives me a sense of accomplishment and relaxation.” 

Mariska de Ridder, Marketing Manager, Benelux 

“Maintaining physical fitness is a crucial part of my self-care routine. I find great joy in taking long walks with my dog, which allows me to connect with nature and clear my mind. Additionally, I participate in small group training sessions at the gym twice a week, focusing on muscle training. These activities not only keep me physically fit but also enhance my mental well-being, providing a balanced approach to self-care.” 

Angela Bleicher, HR Administration Support, DACH  

“During the pandemic, when many activities were restricted, our company offered bikes, and I chose an e-bike. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made! Living in the beautiful three-country corner of Germany, Holland, and Belgium gives me endless opportunities for scenic bike rides and active vacations. I also love hiking, gardening, and unwinding in my garden after work. The sea always brings me peace, especially when there’s a lighthouse nearby. Music plays a big role in my relaxation, and I enjoy listening to uplifting tunes that match my mood. I also cherish my lunch breaks with colleagues, where we always have a lot of fun together. My motto is to stay positive and tackle challenges head-on, whether they are big or small.” 

Self-Care Day is a wonderful reminder to pause and invest in our well-being, but the true essence of self-care lies in making it a consistent part of our lives. At Aryza, we encourage everyone to find what works best for them and to make self-care a priority every day. By sharing some of our team’s personal practices and tips, we hope to spark ideas and motivation for your own self-care journey. 

Remember, taking time for yourself isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. Let’s continue to support each other in our commitment to self-care, today and every day. Here’s to a healthier, happier, and more balanced life!