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Aryza Insolv: Debt Rainbow

Aryza tool provides bespoke options based on individual financial circumstances.

Debt Rainbow offers debt advice to all UK residents. They help clients to find the right debt solution that can result in lower monthly payments which can help clients get in control of their finances.  They generate interest in their business through web-based marketing activity and were looking to automate the consumer journey as much as possible.

Debt Rainbow worked with Aryza Insolv to automate 50/60% of the work currently undertaken by their advisers, allowing them to spend more time on complex client relations.  The benefits of the system were significant, and they were able to make some significant cuts on operational costs.

In addition, from a client perspective, it previously took over an hour to complete a fact find, and now using Aryza Insolv it takes 18 minutes.

The client experience is significantly streamlined by automating welcome message and directing them through the workflows that build an accurate picture of the consumer’s financial situation.  The adviser can then confirm the fact find information and breakdown what the best route for the client is, presenting advantages and disadvantages of all debt solutions to the client.  Aryza Insolv then allows the consumer to provide documents and the case is then built so it can be proposed to the solution provider.

Luke Patterson Head of Operations at Debt Rainbow commented:

“Aryza Insolv creates more time for us to put better quality cases together because the Advisors have more time to spend on the backend and the clients gets to go through the journey first time and there is no “back and forth” with the solution provider.

Our conversions are significantly improved – With Aryza Insolv we have almost doubled the number of clients we have advised, and we are predicting a larger increase to come with new enquiries – the system has already generated a return on investment.

The team at Aryza worked closely with us and provided great support and offered a creative outlook on product delivery.  The system was easy to implement and quick to set up – we were live within 3 days.”

Aryza Insolv – Summary of benefits to Debt Rainbow

  • Reduced operational costs since Implementing Aryza products.
  • Higher quality customer service as there Is less time spent back and forth with solution providers.
  • Giving customers the ability to start cases online, saving agents time spent setting up clients.
  • Collection of documentation (bank statements, credit report, etc…) is streamlined and automated.


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