We provide OSB compliant Cloud Hosting – server, software, backups and support

What is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud Hosting is a unique new method of delivering insolvency software to desktop or laptop end users within your company without the IT hassles, security risks or infrastructures costs associated to hardware and managed services.

  • Aryza Cloud Hosting – used by many Licensed Insolvency Trustee firms, it replaces your traditional network with a virtual one that will look, feel and act the same or better than your current Windows desktop PC
  • Simplified – imagine never having the headaches of servers, software, data loss, expensive workstations, licensing, firewalls or costly upgrade cycles ever again. The new cloud system is simple, easy and cost effective, reducing your IT costs by up to 75%
  • Traditional networks – you have a server located at your facility that acts as a central point for everyone to share and store information. The business applications are loaded onto the workstations which are connected to the server via network cables or a wireless connection
  • Cloud Hosted solution – the server(s) are hosted at our Canadian location and your workstations, or basic laptop, will connect to them using a top tier secure internet connection. The Aryza Insolv desktop application and other company wide applications are loaded onto our servers and presented to you on whatever computer you are logging in with without every having to install software
  • Virus protection – your entire business is now safe, secure and readily accessible from any laptop, from anywhere there is internet. No data is stored at the local level, you never have to worry about viruses being downloaded by staff corrupting or locking out your access
  • Simply brilliant – with today’s fast paces, remote offices and mobile business models, this Cloud Hosting gives your team access where they need it and when the need it.

Benefits at a glance

  • Located in Canada
  • Security with the highest level of data protection
  • OSB compliant, meets all back, data recovery, disaster recovery requirements
  • No down time, no virus attacks, no lost data
  • Security with the highest level of data protection
  • Latest and fastest hardware
  • Work from anywhere that has an internet connection
  • Technical support at your fingertips.

Contact us


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